Dalit; beyond humanitarian crisis

Da Antonio Germano missionario in Bangladesh originario di Duronia, abbiamo ricevuto un rapporto sui “fuoricasta” di quel paese redatto da Swapon Das (Padre Lino) direttore della Organizzazione Non Governativa Dalit. Lo pubblichiamo augurandogli un felice 2018 e ringraziandolo per l’importante lavoro che svolge in difesa dei più poveri e della pace nel mondo.
La redazione de il Bene Comune
Since 25 August 2017, an estimated 6,55,000 Rohingya1 have crossed into Bangladesh fleeing violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine State, increasing the total Rohingya population in Cox’s Bazar to 8,67,000. New arrivals are living in spontaneous settlements with increasing need of humanitarian assistance, including shelter, food, clean water, and sanitation. Key challenges include the recent diphtheria outbreak (over 900 reported cases as per 13 December); demarcation and construction on land without prior engagement with Site Management, leading to confusion; lack of access to food amongst Rohingya refugees in certain camp areas (Kutupalong, Balukhali and nearby areas), and limited access to, and inadequate, WASH services.
The Rohingyas are Muslim minority people living mainly in the state of Rakhine, in Myanmar (former Burma). Although approximately 12,00,000 Rohingyas lives in Myanmar, and apparently their ancestors were in the country for centuries, the Myanmar government does not recognize Rohingya people as their citizen. Most of them are illiterate and unaware due to less access to the educational institute of Myanmar government. Information of Dalit’s activity There are 75 national and international organizations are working for Rohingya refugees, NGO Dalit is one of them. Kutupalong Rohingya camp is divided into 15 zones. Like AA zone, BB zone, CC zone, DD zone etc. Dalit is working in DD zone for 6,522 Rohingya families. Through a medical team of Dalit Hospital (Chuknagar, Dumuria, Khulna) NGO Dalit is working there on health services by its own fund.
The number of total population is 45,360 in DD zone surrounding in Dalit’s medical camp. Every day we are providing treatment/ counseling and medicines to near 200 patients from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm through MBBS Doctor, sub-assistant community medical officer and 6 volunteers. According to the needs and demand of patients, we are providing two types of medicine like Allopathic and Ayurvedic medicine (produced in Dalit’s medicine production unit (Ayurvedic)) to the patients. We have provided treatment to 1,300 patients till December through 5 medical camps.
Observation of Dalit’s Medicare team
According to the activities and observations of Dalit’s Medical Team, the information related to the diseases and patients are presented below:
Name of common diseases:
Cough & Cold, ARI, Ascariasis/Helminthiasis, COPD, Water born disease- Diarrhea, Psychological disease, Eye diseases, Fever unexplained, Gastro enteric problem, General weakness, Headache, Hypertension, Moderate acute malnutrition, Respiratory tract infection, Skin diseases;
Common diseases for male:
Gastro enteric problem, General weakness, Headache, Hypertension;
Common diseases for female:
Menstrual hygiene problem, Gastro enteric problem, General weakness, Headache, Hypertension, Psychological disease and Leucorrhea;
Common diseases for child:
Maximum child those who are under five years, they are suffering in Moderate acute malnutrition, Cold & cough, Skin disease, Eye diseases, and Fever.
Number of patients received Medicare services:
Adult male: 275;
Adult female: 438;
Children boys: 316;
Children girls: 271.
Dalit always try to keep their lives active from beside the underprivileged, oppressed and helpless people. Due to this, since November, 2017 Dalit have been providing health care to the Rohingya refugees through self financing with few contribution of a well wisher. But it is clear now that despite the international efforts, it is not possible to solve this problem very soon. Again, it is not possible for Dalit to manage a long-term medical service through its own financing. Cause, for such a large number of refugees, it is necessary to arrange huge medical camps. Dalit attended in several meetings with Govt. & NGO officials of Cox’s Bazar and in the context of discussions with them, it is known that to support the stateless people, we also need to serve them cooked/ dry food, drinking water, hygiene kits, detergent bar/ powder, baby food and water purification agent. We hope, in this type of emergency situation; friends and well wishers of Dalit will give more attention and will agree to do something for the Rohingya people. We want to help them survive as human being.
1 Source: International Organization for Migration; www.reliefweb.int/report/bangladesh/iom-bangladesh-rohingya-crisis-response-external-update-14-december-2017